Friday, September 4, 2009

Photos from Cordoba Summer 2009

Well, I guess I should call them "Photos from Cordoba Winter 2009" right?

And guess what? When I got back to Argentina in a week, I get another summer!!! 2009 is the year of Angie's Endless Summer! :D

(You can click on the slideshow photos for more info and to go to my flickr site.)

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Oh my gosh, she's arisen from the dead!!!

So, yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have totally abandoned the website for a while. So sorry!!! I've got a good excuse: I've been too busy having FUN outside and with my family and friends than to sit for hours on the's kinda like having an essay you know is due looming over your head. But in my case, there is no professor waiting to give me a crappy grade for being late- wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! But I do apologize. I promise I'll get better about being consistent with the blog after my big move. (I leave the 12th of Sept.) In the meantime, take a look at some of my photos I've been editing and posting to flickr.

(You can watch the slideshow and click on a photo for more info or even go to my flickr page from here.)

This first photo slideshow is actually from March of this year when I went to Cordoba, Arg. to meet Franco's family. Our original plan, if you can remember, was to leave Arg to move Franco to Texas to start our new lives together. Well, now we all know that didn't go as smoothly as planned!!!;)

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.